The Correlation of Mining with Humanity’s Development (A Fact).

  • As long as Mankind evolve, Mining will be required for Agriculture, Technology, Environment, Health, Financial Services, Etc. Without Mining, Mankind can’t evolve.
  • The “Social” and “Environmental” negative effects of mining remain attached to human development.
  • There is a Necessity to Transform: The best way to predict the future is by creating it -"Mining Building Peaceful Communities and a better World"........


IMEF - Value Proposition for Stakeholders

Indigenous Peoples: Sustainable direct economic benefit from mineral wealth. Direct participation in the global capital and commodity markets. 

Financial Institutions: New asset class for portfolio diversification that generates a financial and moral return.

Family Offices: Opportunity to build an Investment Legacy. 

Endowments: Philanthropic legacy in Peace building, human rights and poverty reduction.

Mineral Extractive Sector: Shared value opportunities. 

Churches: Asset classes and Business Models in light of the Compendium of Social Doctrine of the catholic church and encyclicals , Ecclesia in America, Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si. Interfaith Opportunity. 

Organisations & Civil Society: Increase of Indigenous Peoples participation in the mineral extractive sector. 

Academia: Research Opportunities. 

IMEF - Consulting Services for Stakeholders

  • Indigenous Mining Equity Impact Investing Concept.
  • Indigenous Mining Equity Business Model Concept. 
  • Indigenous Mining Equity Legacy Building Concept.
  • Indigenous Mining Equity Portfolio Diversification Concept. (Indigenous Group/Commodity/Country/Currency)
  • Field Assessment and Surveys.
  • Indigenous Mining Equity Educational Training. (Four Modules).
  • Financial and Operational Risk Management Assessment and Mitigation Strategy. 
  • Liaison mandate.
  • (*)CSR Product Concept. (IMEF as a CSR Vehicle).  
  • Social and Environmental Impact Analysis Strategy.
  • Road Shows and Presentations.

IMEF as a CSR Vehicle: 

  • Structured and Independent legal CSR Vehicle: (Foundation/association) ->Transparent, easy to audit, legal and impact compliant, lower operations risk management.
  • Pooling Cluster: For Small and Middle Enterprises. Operational efficiency in CSR and lower operational risk exposure.
  • Social Innovation: Bottom of the pyramid social and environmental impact. 
  • Collaborative Multi Stake Holder: Academia, Corporates, Civil Society, Government, International Organisations. 
  • Non- Geographical BIAS approach: Within and Beyond enterprise's geographical operations. 
  • Versatility in CSR Impact: Regional and/or Global. (Ideal for big market makers). 
  • Multi Sector: Health(Pharma-Medicine), Agriculture, technology, environment, Financial Services, etc. 

Copyright IMEF - Indigenous Mining Equity Initiative